Expatriates.co.uk Worldwide B2B Partner Facility


This unique facility has been designed to provide the means for all types of businesses to be able to increase the range of products and services that they can offer to their clients, on a world wide scale. In addition to this, the products and services that your business specialises in will be available to all other members.

The clients that use this site are mainly internationally employed, high net worth individuals, of all nationalities, who have a very wide range of requirements.

Browsing this site will let you see the sort of products and services that we currently promote but we are always adding new products, in new locations.

Where a member has a product or service to offer that would align with those shown on the site, then we will add content to the site to ensure that product receives attention from both the site traffic and the other member companies.

The way the system works is that each member has their own unique log-in code which accesses their own individual dashboard, listing the types of products and services that they wish to introduce or provide. Entering each of the listed services will take you to your tracking system for those products (specific to you) and show you the progress status with each listed client.

When a case completes, any income received from that case will be shared between the introducer and the service provider, in pre-agreed amounts.

Through this approach, member companies gain the ability to develop and grow their businesses on a scale that may be substantially more than they could have imagined, particularly through access to the wider world.

To help with your understanding of this concept, we have set out a few examples to show the practical workings of the facility.

Worked Examples

These are just a few examples on the types of companies and business situations where members could benefit but anyone who is considering becoming a member would be in the best position to assess the benefits to them.

One major thing to consider is where a business has a unique product or service or is in a market environment that could be expanded worldwide, we will always consider building specific site content to attract people to the site, who are looking for that product or service. Additionally, we would seek to enlist suitable new members who have products and clients that would be complimentary to that business model.

Thank you for reading this and if you would like to apply to become a member, please click on the button provided and follow the simple application process.