High Yield UK Property Investments For Expats

High yield investments

High Yield Property Investments

The types of property investments under consideration here range from fixed interest loan notes issued by UK property developers through fixed term Buy to Rent investments in managed establishments such as residential Care Homes and Hotel rooms, to property developed specifically for Student accommodation.

Investment is usually in the range £25k to£75k for single units and due to the managed structure of this type of investment the investor is entirely hands free which will have obvious benefits to UK Ex-pats and other investors living overseas who want to diversify their investment portfolios while not having to keep a daily watch on their investments progress.

These types of investment are generally offered as fixed term investments or are set out with a series of forward exit dates giving the investor a number of options on when to withdraw their capital. Yields can be high, often in the range of 10% or higher and there is often scope for capital growth over the period the investment is held.

High yielding Loan Notes issued by Property Developers

Loan notes are often issued by property developers as their preferred way of obtaining capital for their planned developments without having to go through the lengthy and uncertain procedures that are required by commercial banks. Issuing Lone Notes puts the developer in direct contact with investors simplifying the funding process and providing the developer with a speedier and more certain route to getting their development project started.

In return for this financial assistance, the developer is often willing to offer high rates of return on the capital that investors lend to them which can make this form of investment highly attractive to those investors who are holding spare cash reserves and have the right level of investment experience to properly evaluate the risks.

  • Interest rates of between 5% to 12% are common and often further bonuses can apply.
  • Interest is usually paid annually or at earlier intervals depending on the conditions of the Loan Note.
  • Investors can often withdraw from the loan agreement at annual intervals.
  • Investment terms are usually between 2 and 7 years.

High yielding Loan Notes Explained

Many UK Ex-pat and overseas investors will have experience of Savings Bonds that are offered by UK high street banks where a lump sum is invested for an agreed term, usually 1 to 5 years, in return for a slightly higher rate of interest than normal bank rates. At the end of the term, the original capital is returned together with the accumulated interest.   Generally, the capital cannot be withdrawn during the agreed term of the bond and although the applicable interest rates are likely to still be quite low, your capital is usually safe. This safety net applies while the amount you hold remains below the UK government threshold as it guarantees that should your bank fail and your total holding with that banking group is below the set threshold, your capital would not be lost.

Loan notes operate in a fairly similar way but because they do not enjoy the government protection guarantees that are available with bank bonds, your investment may be at risk should the company issuing the loan note find itself in financial difficulty. Should the company issuing the loan note fail, or be unable to pay back the initial capital, in part or in whole, there would be no recourse to the financial ombudsman service for compensation and your money may be lost. In essence, you are taking risk by lending your money to a commercial company, for an agreed period of time, to achieve high returns on your capital.

How your capital is used

Where your Loan Note is issued by a property developer, your capital is usually used to facilitate the start of one of their new developments, often during the land purchase phase and project development stage which enables the developer to move ahead quickly and effectively without lengthy recourse to the commercial banks. In return for your financial support, property developers will pay a premium for your investment giving you returns on capital not easily achieved in to-days fixed sum savings market.

Investor suitability for investing in Loan Notes

Although investment in Loan Notes can produce high returns and free the investor from  requiring to  participate in the day to day functioning of the investment, these types of investments do carry risk.

This risk means that investors need to fully understand that should the investment issuing company become insolvent, or if it under performs in its chosen market area, the capital that was invested may not be fully returned or may even be lost.

For these reasons, investors who have limited experience with this type of investment should seek advice from professional financial and legal advisers, to ensure that the specific terms and conditions associated with the investment and the possible outcomes for the investment, good and bad, are  fully understood prior to making any application to purchase a Lone Note.

High yielding Buy to Rent Care Home Investments

Private investment into the care home buy to rent market is a fairly recent concept and one which is considered to be the future way forward in providing sufficient care home places to meet the country’s ageing population needs. Future growth predictions for the UK’s ageing population viewed against the lack of UK government funding for care facilities in general, indicates that this type of private investment will become essential if future care demand is to be met.

Typically with this type of investment, what you are doing is purchasing, for a set period or range of periods, a unit within a new build or existing care home where the care home may already be fully operating or soon to be operating under the care home operators management.

These are Buy to Rent investments where the investor is taking ownership of a portion of a care home operating company’s premises and giving the care home operator the full use of your holding in those premises in return for sharing in any income that is produced from your holding.

  • Yields of between 8% and 10% are common.
  • Income is usually paid annually or at earlier intervals depending on the conditions of your specific contract.
  • Your contract will generally set out a range of dates where you can withdraw from your investment.
  • Where you have invested in a well run care home you may see capital growth on your investment at the time you withdraw.
  • Investors have no involvement in management.

The Care Home Market

The Competitions & Market Authority (CMA) recently produced some interesting statistics on the current state of the care home market, some of which is shown below.

Value of the Care Home Market

The sector is currently worth around £15.9 billion a year and currently provides care for around 410,000 care home residents. Providing this care falls to around 5,500 different care home providers who between them operate somewhere around 11,300 care homes and nursing homes to meet this demand. Around 95% of these care homes are privately owned and operated with a few in charitable ownership.  The remainder and very much in the minority are those Care homes that are directly operated by Local Authorities.

Although local Authorities handle the bulk of care home placements, when they require to place people into care homes they generally obtain these services from private care home providers.

Care Home Fee Structure

Data produced in 2016 shows that the average cost for someone who is self funding (paying the full level of fees) their care costs per week in England averaged around £846 which equates to about £44,000 per year. Since then, indications have been that these figures have been increasing at an inflation bursting rate of around 5%-7% per year.

Contrast this with what is paid by local authorities where they commission their care services to privately run care homes and only pay around £621 per week. This amount is only around only 73.4% of the average care home standard charge for self funding residents. This picture tends to show the future direction that care home operators will be forced to take if they are to remain profitable.

Considering that only around 41% of residents currently in care homes are self funding, it is easy to see why the care sector is in crises.

Population Growth

While the UK’s population continues to age and as the demand for care continues to increase, the types of care that is needed in the future for care will change. In 2015, the Office for National Statistics predicted that by 2025 there would be around 36% growth in the number of people that are aged over 85. This would take the total from around 1.5 million to over 2.0 million over that time period. This growth in older people is happening just now and will inevitably lead to a substantial increase in the demand for care home services.

Is Investing in Care Homes Sensible

Operating residential Care Homes is now likely to become a rapidly growing industry where demand for rooms will far outstrip supply for the foreseeable future. This makes care home investment an area that should demand the attention of investors looking to new markets.

While the UK Government remains unable or unwilling to raise the necessary funding to properly resource residential care in the UK it is likely that this problem will only be resolved through private investment.

Care care home providers are already recognising this and are responding by seeking the involvement of private investors who can purchase a room or rooms in their care homes through a type of buy to rent investment. In return, investors are being offered very high levels of return, generally in the range of 8% to 10% per annum on their initial investment with the investor having the possibility of additionally underlying capital growth over the period their investment is held.

For the investor, this works in a similar way to the residential buy to let market with the advantage of the investor being relieved from the stress of managing and maintaining the property, finding tenants and arranging disposal of the property at a point in the future. This is effectively a buy and forget situation for the investor making it very suitable for UK ex-pats and other overseas investors.

Some things to consider:

Investor IncentiveAs we stated above, this type of investment works in a similar way to to the Buy to Let market where property is purchased to rent with the aim of achieving a monthly income stream coupled to property growth over time. However, that is where the similarity ends as the investor is in effect purchasing is a room within a managed care home establishment where the care home operates normally but provides the investor with an income.

Investment Capital – Investing in a room within a care home will typically cost in the range £50k to £80k but unlike standard BTL property investment, where the property can usually be mortgaged, these investments require to made in cash.  Providing the care home you invest in is well run and profitable, you can expect to receive a steady annual income from your investment in the range 8% to 10% and perhaps higher with potential for capital growth at your exit point.

Exit Periods – When the investor takes ownership of the allotted room, the contract will specify the future dates when the investor can withdraw from the contract and there is no need to advertise the property for sale as the contract will set out the buy back arrangements for you to exit from the investment.

No Management ResponsibilityOnce again, using a typical buy to let property for comparison, with BTL you are responsible for obtaining tenants, negotiating rental agreements, maintaining the property, worrying about void periods and of course worrying about the legal challenges should you have a bad tenant.

With care home investment, all of these functions are automatically taken care of by the Care Home operator and the investor id completely free of these chores.

No Stamp Duty to pay – Unlike the additional 3% stamp duty hike that the chancellor recently applied to traditional BTL property purchases, there is no stamp duty applied to care home investment.

Do Care homes make for Good Investments

Normally when demand for a product outstrips supply by the levels that currently exist within this industry and where this demand is projected to rocket in future years, that product would normally be expected to increase in value and provide high investment returns.  Unfortunately this has not been the past experience with the care industry and the well publicised funding crises, discussed elsewhere in this note, has left many Care Home providers, who depend on local authority placements, struggling to survive.

Part of the problem is that although around 90% of residential care is handled by privately owned Care Home operators, it is local councils who are responsible for care provision and who are funding the care of approximately 6 out of every 10 people in residential care homes. As we have already seen, local councils are effectively only covering the cost of care or even less than the cost, leaving the care home operator to make up the difference through its self funding residents.

The consequence of this is that what councils pay for those residents that rely on council support is well short of what people who are self funding pay, generally around 40% less and it is this drag on income that is giving Care Homes the problem. Remove this imbalance and care homes should be highly profitable.

The current spate of care home closures due to this imbalance taken together with the increasing numbers of people now requiring residential care, means that there are now huge opportunities for well organised care home providers to expand their existing facilities and develop new care home facilities in areas where there is high demand combined with higher proportions of wealth.

Where care homes are operating in good areas and with local councils now looking to increase council tax revenues to improve the funding of care, well managed care homes should do well and provide the investor with an interesting  opportunity to diversify their investment strategy and at the same time, know that their investment is serving a good cause.

The UK’s Ageing Population and the Need for Care

It’s a well-known fact that in the UK, provisions for funding care of the elderly are now inadequate and about to become a major crisis.  With people now living much longer and the numbers of people over 65 is expected to soar, matters can only worsen. Local Authority budgets are at breaking point and if this funding crisis is not addressed, they will become unable to meet their obligation to provide care for those unable to fund themselves.

Many care home operators, who depend on this local authority funding, now see the future profitability of their care home being only sustainable if they can increase the ratio of self-funding residents to those that are funded by the Local authority. Through the increased income from self-funders, they will be able to sustain and grow their businesses and creating an environment that supports the building of new care homes to meet the growing demand.

This approach has opened the door to investors, including those with reasonably modest amounts of capital, to purchase rooms within a care home and receive income from that investment. This is usually done through a type of buy to let arrangements with the care home operator, and typical investment amounts per room are usually in the range of £50,000 to £80,000. Essentially, the aim is for investors to take temporary ownership of a room and receive income from that investment while they hold that room but without having any involvement in the running of the business. This hands-off approach has attractions for investors who spend a lot of time overseas where they do not have the time to actively manage their investments.

This practice is now well established and investors can look to returns of 8% to 10% per annum on their investment while at the same time, knowing that their money is being used to provide essential care to those people who are no longer able to look after themselves.

The UK’s Ageing Population

The United Kingdoms’ population is now living much longer than was the norm in the recent past but the abilities of those over 65 to look after themselves into old age have not matched this extended lifespan. The inevitable outcome of this is that the UK urgently requires to substantially increase the availability of residential care home places to match the projected increase in demand.  So far, the political will, of all UK political parties, to fund these facilities has not materialised and may actually be beyond any government’s ability to do so.  Unless something is done in the very near future, this problem will become a major national crisis.

Current projections indicate that by 2030, there could be more than 20 million people aged over 65 living in the UK and statistics produced by the Office for National Statistics (ONS) show that in only 50 years time, that number is likely to increase by a further 8.6 million people. This would add a pensioner population roughly equal to the population of London, to what we have now.

These aging population statistics are a bit of a double-edged sword as they are being driven by steady improvements in life expectancy which results in many more people requiring long term care at some point in their life putting a strain on those responsible for administering that care. Counter to this, we are finding that young couples are having fewer children with the inevitable result that as they age, their children may not be there to support them, putting pressure on the state to facilitate the building of build new residential care homes to meet this increasing demand.

Will there be enough Care Homes to meet Future Demand?

In a recent study by the Lancet, it was indicated that by 2025 some 70,000 extra care home places will be needed to accommodate the growing demand. This study also showed that on average, women who are now over the age of 65 are likely to have to spend the last three years of their lives in care and for men, the last two and a half years of their life.

Recent research led by Newcastle University indicates that by 2035, only 10 years on from the above, that around 190,000 new care home places will be needed. That requires an additional 12,000 care home places per year to be built throughout that decade.

This research also found that these gains in life expectancy were resulting in more people living with higher levels of frailty, ultimately increasing demand for care home places.

State Care Funding in the UK

Public expenditure on adult social care has long been under pressure with expenditure decreasing in real terms by about 8% per annum. This is causing the sector to face challenges to its sustainability due primarily to the low fee rates being paid by local authorities for state-funded care residents. Add to that the increased cost pressures on care home operators such as wage costs and it is easy to see that the sustainability of the adult social care market is approaching a tipping point. Some causes are shown below:

Local Authority fee Structure

The average fees paid by Local Authorities in England to private care home operators are generally below the full cost of the care provision and this leaves care homes that depend on local authority referrals in the position where they are barely able to cover their operating costs.

Sustainability of Local Authority Fee Structure

Most local councils now recognise that they need to increase their funding of care if residential care home services are to be maintained. If they do take this action and improve their payment structure to private care homes then the profitability and sustainability of the sector will improve. If this is not implemented we will continue to see decline in those care homes that remain reliant on local council support.

Funding Imbalance in Care Homes

Recent research suggests that about a quarter of care homes have more than 75% of their residents funded by Local Authorities and that these will be the ones that will be most at risk of failure this imbalance in local authority funding continues.

Self Funding care

The majority of care homes hold a mix of self-funded residents and residents funded by Local Authorities but generally these care homes rely on the higher fees from self-funders to remain viable.

With the standard of care being provided to both types of residents being equal, in any individual care home, it is clear that self funding residents are actually subsidising the local authorities by meeting a much greater proportion of the care homes fixed costs.

Care Home Fee Differentials

Fees paid by self funding residents are now, on average around 41% higher than those paid by Local authorities within the same care home and this represents an average differential of around £236 per week or over £12,000 per year.

Local Authority Unfairness

This difference between self-funded and Local authorities, for the same service, is understandably perceived as being unfair, particularly as the large majority of self-funders are not always wealthy people. Current savings thresholds for support means that practically anyone who owns a property will be ineligible for state funding until its value has been depleted to very low levels. The public remains generally unaware of this unfairness which lets Local authorities avoid having to justify their approach to the fees they pay to care homes.

The Move towards self funding care homes

Care home that can attract self-funders are likely to move away from serving a mix of residents and we note that nearly all new care homes being built are in areas where they can focus on self-funders. These care homes will be completely sustainable and highly profitable in the long term and will represent the future for care home investment.


Things to Consider when Investing in Care Homes

As with any type of investment, the investor should take great care to define those features that make one particular Care Home a much better long term investment than another. Investing in any type of business brings factors into play that will determine the success of any investment. These factors are numerous and varied and the wise investor will seek professional advice prior to making a commitment.  We have listed below, some of the general areas that may require careful thinking prior to investing.

Importance of Location

If the future success of a particular care home is going to depend on increasing that Care Homes ratio of self-funding residents, it follows that the Care Home should be located in an area where the local population also contains a higher than average ratio of better-off families.  This approach should ensure the continued availability of self-funding residents and the provision of good levels of income to the Care Home.

Economic Capacity

Care Homes come in all sizes but as with most businesses, overheads and staff costs are more easily absorbed when the number of residents are at a sufficient level to allow efficient working conditions. Each Care Home needs to be looked at on its own merit but efficiency probably starts where the Care Home can accommodate 20 or more residents.

Facilities and services offered by the Home

As the chosen care home will be looking to attract self-funding people, the standard of accommodation, as well as outside facilities, may be a deciding factor where a family is looking to have a loved one reside there. Likewise, the offered services such as the levels of care that can be provided and the range of recreational services and personal services offered may feature highly in the families thinking.

Quality of Management and staff

You will want to ensure that the Care Home you have chosen to invest in will be properly run and staffed by people who are devoted to their task. This can be a difficult area to check but will be important as self-funding people in care homes will always be able to move should they find themselves in an establishment that is not to their liking. This is not always the case with Local Authority funded residents.

High yielding Buy to Rent Hotel Room Investments

This type of investment operates in a very similar way to what has been described for Care homes except that the investment is in a different market sector making it perhaps a bit more specialised as it has a wider market approach.

As with Care Homes, you are really taking ownership of a room within an Hotel and then lending that room back to the hotel operator in return for sharing in any income the Hotel produces that room.

Yields will generally be in the range 8% to 10% per annum but in practice will be reflective of how well the Hotel is operated  and as with Care home investment, there is scope for capital growth if the hotel does well. The investor also benefits from being relieved from having to manage the day to day running of the property as that is all taken care of by the Hotel operator.

Investing in Hotel Rooms

Investing in hotel rooms is a fairly new concept but one that may well find favour with investors looking for a Buy to Let investment that generally requires a lower capital investment coupled with good returns without the responsibility of managing the property.

Investment Advantages

Lower cash requirements – Investing in an hotel room generally requires a more modest level of investment compared with the more normal forms of BTL investment. Where an average hotel room can cost in the range £50,000 to £80,000, purchasing a typical BTL property through the conventional route will expose the investor to the UK’s average property prices which are around around 216,000.

Mortgage Free Investment – Mortgages for this type of Buy to Let investment are not generally available so investors need to have access to sufficient cash sums to make their purchase. However, with no mortgage payments to make, all income is retained by the investor, subject of course to tax.

Hands Free Investment – as your BTL room will be managed by the hotel operator, you effectively have a purchase and forget investment while owning the room. This makes this type of investment very suitable for Ex-pats and other overseas investors who wish to diversify their portfolios.

No Stamp Duty to Pay – Purchasing an hotel room is classed as a commercial property transaction with the advantage that it should be exempt from stamp duty tax.

(SIPP) Inclusion – UK Residents only – An option, not usually available with BTL investment is that you could benefit from investing via a Self-Invested Personal Pension (SIPP). You will need to take advice on this but if suitable, you could boost your net returns.

Typical Investment Returns

Investing in an hotel room can give you great returns on your savings when compared to typical interest rates offered by banks and other savings providers. The annual rental yield you might expect from a well managed hotel room could be in the region of around 10% or more. This should be set out on your contract and is usually guaranteed.

Most hotel room investments will have fixed terms of around five years and at the end of your term you will should be able to sell the room back to the hotel operator and you may see capital growth of around 15% on your original investment.

Things to Consider

Investing in an hotel room can be beneficial to all concerned. The investor should receive a known monthly income during the period they are invested while the hotel operator gets the finance to fund and grow the business. However, there are a few fundamental things to consider before making your investment to ensure everything goes as you intended.

Hotel Location – Where the hotel you make your investment in is situated will be very important because its success is dependent  on its ability to attract visitors.

Quality Hotel Management – Choosing the right hotel will be crucial and well-run hotels with a good track record will be less affected by the ups and downs of the economy ensuring that your income will always be there. Check out the hotels turnover and profit in recent years and pay particular attention to how the management intend to use your money to grow the business.

Building State of Repair  – Assuming the hotel you are considering is already established and not a new build, check the condition of the building and consider the investment that would be involved to bring the hotel up to the standard that you need it to be.   Where you are considering an hotel that is yet to be built, extra care is needed and it may only be a suitable investment if the operator has other hotels that are seen to be operating profitably. This may also be applicable where the hotel is needing extensive refurbishment.

Position in the Market – Know what kind of Hotel you want to invest in but it is Generally accepted that the high end of the market tends to provide more consistent returns. While midscale hotels can be very profitable and provide you with a steady source of income, they should be given that extra bit if study before committing.

Your Investment Exit Plan – Prior to investing, it is wise to set out your exit plan. You should be free of the usual worries about how long it will take to sell or how much you will get for it as this should be covered in your contract.










High yielding Buy to Rent Student Accommodation Investment

Over the past few years there has been a trend away from this approach with investors turning their attention to Purpose Build Student Accommodation (PBSA) opportunities where the investor only purchases a room or rooms in managed establishments.

This type of investment operates in a very similar way to what was described for the other high yielding investments where the investor is really taking ownership of part of a student accommodation facility and renting that portion back to the operator in return for an agreed return on your holding.

Yields will generally be in the range 8% to 10% per annum but in practice will be reflective on how well the operator managed the business.  As with the other types of investment shown here, the investor is relieved from any management responsibility of the unit while holding the investment.

Investing in Student Accommodation

The normally accepted way for investing in student accommodation has been through the traditional buy to let route where the investor purchases via a mortgage, a flat or HMO in the vicinity of a popular university. This means that the investor carries all of the risks associated with maintenance, loan repayment, blank rental periods and bad tenants.

Often the investor would be the students parents hoping that purchasing a property for their student offspring to use during their university term would work out cheaper than renting.

This approach has often proved successful but with the tax changes that have been introduced in recent years, yields have been reducing and as the same management concerns apply, parents who are not normally investors in property will inevitably run a higher risk than experienced landlords.

Over the past few years there has been a trend away from this approach with investors turning their attention to Purpose Build Student Accommodation (PBSA) opportunities where the investor only purchases a room or rooms in managed establishments.

Three factors that apply to traditional BTL investment but wont apply to PBSA investments are shown below.

  • Stamp Duty – Purchasing a buy-to-let or second home now carries a 3 per cent stamp duty surcharge on top of standard rates of tax.
  • Mortgage Tax Relief – Where previously interest paid on the mortgage could be offset against income, this is no longer the norm and this will reduce the net income you will receive.
  • Lending Criteria – Lenders now apply stricter rules when considering mortgage applications for a BTL property. Lending is still based on rental value but lenders now apply their own set interest rates in their decision calculations are very much higher than the actual rate they will charge on any mortgage that they offer. This means that the amount of loan that is granted will be much less that would previously have been the case.

Purpose Built Student Accommodation ( PBSA)

Purpose built student accommodation is generally referred to as student accommodation that has been specifically built for university students by private developers. These properties will generally usually take one of two forms, either as self contained studio or “cluster” flats with private kitchens but shared living space or, be modern halls of residence containing en-suite bedrooms with shared kitchen, dining and living facilities.

The Student Market Today

The student accommodation sector is growing at a staggering rate and presents some very lucrative investment opportunities. With the UK being highly regarded as a leader in the provision of higher education and with some of the best universities in the world, the UK is now experiencing a boom in demand for purpose-built student accommodation.

Estimates for the value of this market in the UK range around the £50 billion mark and with domestic and international student numbers increasing, this market value should increase in future years.

One great benefit for students is that through new PBSA developments, they are no longer forced to pay extortionate amounts to live in run-down shared houses, with only one bathroom between them, or in tiny rooms in outdated university halls of residence.

Now they can often choose from a range of accommodation options that are custom made to satisfy their needs and rents they can afford.

Investment Hotspots for Student Accommodation

Although opportunity will be widespread across the UK is noted that Cities such as Glasgow, Edinburgh, Leeds, Birmingham, and Liverpool have all seen property values rise in recent times as capital moves north from London and the south east.

  • Glasgow – Glasgow’s market for luxury PBSA is positively booming with the city offering a diverse range of student developments with around one thousand new bed spaces being recently built there and demand continuing to increase.
  • Edinburgh – A recent study by a major property firm found that the Scottish capital was the third most popular destination in the UK for investment in purpose-built student accommodation (PBSA) with only London and Birmingham enjoying higher levels of investment.
  • Leeds – As one of the cheaper of the larger cities for student costs Leeds receives one of the highest number of applications for university education in the UK which makes it an attractive city for investment in student accommodation.
  • Birmingham – With Birmingham being home to three large universities and having a large student population around the 65,000 mark it represents a growing market.
  • Liverpool – in recent years we have seen the number of students in Liverpool steadily rise to over 60,000 and this rise is expected to continue. Universities in Liverpool generally only provide beds for a relatively small number of their students, so there is always a market for quality accommodation.




Investor suitability for these types of Property investments

Although these types of investments can produce high returns and will free up the investors time through there being no requirement for their active participation in the activity the investment is being used for, they do carry risk. This risk means that investors need to fully understand that should the investment issuing company become insolvent, or if it under performs in its chosen market area, the capital that was invested may not be fully returned or may even be lost. For these reasons, investors who have limited experience with this type of investment should seek advice from professional financial and legal advisers, to ensure that the specific terms and conditions associated with the investment and the possible outcomes for the investment, good and bad, are  fully understood prior to making an application.

As you are investing in a commercial enterprise, there are no government protection guarantees available and these types of investment are not regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority.

High Yield investments currently available

  1. 7 Year Loan Note - 12% yield plus bonuses.
    High annual yield of 12% per annum in the first year, rising in stages to 22% per annum in year 7, if held for full term. This loan note is for property development and will be secured against the property developers total assets.  For more information about this product click here
  2. Emerald Court Care Home - 42 Bed Care Home investment up to 10% yield
  3. GLAN-YR-AFON - 39 bed Care home investment up to 10% yield

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