Whatever you position in life we all become involved in disputes at some point. In most cases these can be resolved by the parties involved in an amicable way. Occasionally however matters get out of hand or serious situations arise that are beyond an individuals ability to resolve. When this happens and matters revert to legal intervention or by reference to the court you will probably want to seek professional advice to guide you through the proceedings.
Some common ways to obtain help.
- Using an intermediary – if it’s a simple dispute over something trivial then using an intermediary may be a way forward. This can be a professional person or an impartial neighbour if it’s a dispute about common boundary issues.
- Police – where the dispute is of a criminal concern then the police may help but generally they tend to avoid becoming involved in any dispute that does not have a criminal element to it.
- Councils – if the dispute involves matters associated with council property or areas within their jurisdiction then they may be able to help find a resolution.
- Citizens advice bureau – there are a good number of citizens advice offices around the UK and are easily accessible to UK citizens. They provide advice an a great many subjects and in some cases will fight a case for you. This service is free.
- Small claims court – the small claims court can provide a low cost option for resolving claims for where any compensation awards will be reasonably small.
- Tribunals – employment tribunals will deal with any employment disputes between an employer and an employee. They are often free to access be the claimant.
- Financial ombudsman service – where your dispute is about a financial product and how it has been sold to you, you may be able to refer your complaint to the financial ombudsman who can award compensation and deliver fines.
- The court – in serious matters or as a last resort you may need to take your dispute to the court. This may involve engaging a range of legal services depending on the nature of the dispute.
Expatriates.co.uk partner lawyers can fight on your behalf to ensure that whatever your dispute is about, you recover the maximum compensation that you are entitled to. Simply complete the enquiry form provided.
Property Litigation
For many UK expatriates and general UK people using this site, property disputes are likely to feature strongly as much of the site is associated with property and the mortgages and financial services products that help obtain property. Below are some of the areas that may cause disputes.
- Landlord and tenant matters – tenants now enjoy much more protection under new regulations but there will always be areas of discontent such as
- Rent arrears – you may have legitimate reasons for withholding rent.
- Decor and repairs – finding yourself living in squalid conditions while in rented accommodation.
- Eviction – is your landlord threatening you with an eviction notice?
- Boundary Disputes – these are generally domestic disputes between neighbours but occasionally they can be more serious such as in
- Fly tipping – it is an offence to dump rubbish out with organised dumps.
- Air quality – smoke, ash, car exhaust and chemicals in the air can cause problems.
- Noise – from manufacturing facilities to neighbours playing loud music.
- Fouling – effluent outlets to dog fouling.
- Rights of way disputes – someone may be stopping you accessing your property.
- Unlawful occupation (squatters) – imaging coming home from a holiday and finding squatters living in your home.
- Disputes over financial interests in property – This type of dispute often arises when two or more people live together and make financial commitments to the property through contributing to mortgage repayments or the initial deposit for the purchase of the property, even though the property is in only one name.
Contentious wills and probate disputes
This area has been well covered in another section of the site but you can access it by clicking on the link (SEE LINK)
- Claims under the Inheritance (Provision for Family and Dependants) Act 1975;
- Disputed Wills based on allegations of mental capacity;
- Disputed Wills based on allegations of undue influence;
- Disputed Wills based on allegations of invalid procedure or fraud;
- Disputes involving Executors or Trustees;
- Disputed Powers of Attorney;
- Negligently drafted Wills resulting in professional negligence claims;
- Negligently executed probates.
Personal injury claims
If you have suffered a personal injury through others negligence accident or through criminal actions expatriates.co.uk partners injury and accident lawyers will be able to help you ensure that you recover the maximum compensation that you are entitled to. Make an enquiry by filling in the enquiry form provided.
Employment matters
Employment disputes are often resolved by tribunal but to ensure your case is properly presented, having professional assistance can make a huge difference. Unions may provide support in these cases if you are an employee and ACAS can mediate between employees and employers but if the matter is serious and large sums involved then having your own dedicated lawyer could make a difference to the outcome. Typical areas of dispute are:
- Grievance and disciplinary procedures
- Unfair dismissal
- Redundancy
- Deduction of wages
- Contractual issues
- Tribunal cases
- Settlement Agreements.
Professional Negligence
If you have been let down by a professional who you believe hasn’t performed to an acceptable standard and you have suffered a financial loss as a result you may be entitled to compensation.
Professional negligence claims can be brought against a number of professional people including solicitors, surveyors, financial advisers, architects and professional trustees.