Expats who have recently moved will find that there is local advice and expert help available to make you settle into the country. A few of them are shown below: American Womens Club of the Taunus: http://www.awctaunus.org –  This Read more…

There are many events that take place all year round in Germany which gives expats the opportunity to meet and socialise with others. This is also a great time to engross in the German culture during the celebrations. Some Read more…

There are many different types of cuisine and foods that Germans enjoy eating including meat but nowadays expats will find that there are more vegetarian dishes available on the menu. The cuisine in the country has evolved nationally through Read more…

Germany has many leisure activities to offer for those who enjoy sports and various other things. Expatriates will have no shortage in things to do outside of work with their families. Sports: Germany is a country which absolutely loves Read more…

Germany has a high-quality communication network with some efficient technologies. With the telephone and internet services that are available, expats will be able to keep in touch with family and friends on a regular basis Telephone To apply for Read more…

Germany has many ports available making it easier to ship products in Germany with UK shipping companies. The rivers of Germany have acted as a route to make it possible for water transport. Air freight is more expensive to Read more…

Driving in Germany is fairly east with the outstanding road networks and motorways. Germany has no toll fees for cars but petrol prices are quite high. The roads in Germany are great but drivers may come across many small Read more…

With all the great transport links in Germany, most people prefer to use the public transport as opposed to driving as trains are the most common and fastest way to get around. With high-speed rail links between the main Read more…

Expats are expected to pay tax on income that has come from a German source. Individuals who earn more than those that are on lower salaries will pay more tax. Residents of Germany or individuals who have an income Read more…

Germany has over 2,500 commercial banking institutions which offer many banking options which make it hard for expats to know where to begin. The system of banking and taxes in Germany is quite straight forward and once expats have Read more…
