Population: |
There is a population of around 82 million |
Capital of Germany: |
Berlin which is also the largest city |
Official Language: |
Official language is German but English is understood widely |
Major Cities: |
Frankfurt, Berlin, Hamburg, Dusseldorf |
Popular Expat cities: |
Frankfurt, Munich, Hamburg |
Time Zone: |
GMT +1 (GMT+2 from the end of March to October) |
Money: |
The Euro (EUR) divided into 100 cents |
Popular attractions: |
Bradenburg Gate, Romantic Road, Neuschwanstein Castle and Lake constance |
Religions: |
Christianity |
Public Holidays: |
New Year’s Day, Easter Monday, Easter Sunday, Labour Day, Ascension Day, Whit Monday, Assumption of the Virgin Mary, Day of German unity, All Saints Day, Christmas day, Second day of Christmas and Easter Monday |
International Dialling code: |
The international dialling code in Germany is +49 |
Emergency contact: |
110 (police) and 112 (ambulance) |