General Information

Population: There is a population of 160,000
Capital of Channel Islands: St Hellier
Official Language: The official language is English, but some individuals may speak French, Jerriairs or Guernesiasis
Major Cities: St Anne’s and St Peters Port
Time Zone: GMT +1
Money: The currency of the UK is the British pound
Nearest Neighbours: England, Wales, Scotland, Northern and the Republic of Ireland and France
Religions: The main religion in Ireland is Christianity
Public Holidays: New Years Day, Good Friday, Easter Monday, May holiday, Liberation day , spring bank holiday, summer bank holiday, boxing day and Christmas day
International Dialling code: The international dialling code in the Channel Islands is +44
Emergency contact: 112 or 999 for the police or medical services
Closest Airport: Guernsey Airport and Jersey Airport
Famous Attractions: Guernsey museum and art gallery, Shell Garden, Jersey Zoo, Jersey Lavender Farm and Elizabeth Castle
Local Food: Jersey Milk, Jersey royal potatoes, Local wines, beers and seafood